Motorola 99
there are 45 question . no technical question are asked.time 45 mins.
2 reasoning question means total 11 questoins.reasoning is not from GRE.
1. antonym
p.... ans. static
2.there are 1800 coin is counterfiet many minimum
weight is required to find counterfiet coin.
3. there are six question of series.
1 2 3 5 8 ? ans.
102 204 102 ans. 256
questions are very easy .you can solve easily there.
4. word1 : word2 = motorola : ..... ans . c
5 . this type are question are asked.
1 2 4
10 ?
3 4 ...
6. instruction to add 3 ....... ans. 4
7.floor problem ...... ans. 11th floor
Motorola Interview.
There was a Technical Interview,followed by personal interview.
Mainly concetrating on the interesting subjects.
write a C code reverse a string using a recursive function, without
swapping or using an extra memory.
2.To reverse a linked list as above.
given a macro like
#define MAX(A,B) {to return that is larger}
what will MAX(i++,j),MAX(i,j++) return.
Difference between Macro and ordinary definition.
Difference between Class and Struct.
Testing and Maintenance.(will you work in it and what are they)
Give the outputs of a compiler and assembler and loader
and linker etc.
If a new data structure, suppose a queue is to be added
like int, long
where shall the changes be -- lex or yacc or where.
what is a Real Time OS.
Name some.
Describe VRTX in few words.
How does the scheduler know the time how it should be scheduled.
sockets, TLI, streams.
and much about project.
What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?
What is a semaphore?
What exactly happens after each system call in sockets,
both at the
client and at the server.
What is the difference between widget & gadget in XWindows?
Tell about strtok & strstr functions.
7.Interchanging strings and numbers Ans C
8. Matricide:Mother:: Homicide:? Ans Human
9.Some Mammels are Vertebrates
Some Vertebrates are....... Ans d
10. Figure patteren: --|--.......etc. direction changes problem.
11. work problem.........etc. (not clear).
1. main()
int arr[100];
int c:
int N;
minvalue i = .....
Maxvalue i = ..... Ans 0,100 resp
2. Union Problem ..... Ans : a or c
3. for n=2 the following fn returning value is
int fun(int n)
for(i = 1;i<=n;i++)
} Ans 6
4. Calculate sum=1+1+2+1+2+3+1......
Ans i<=x;j<=i
5. for x=2 y=3 z=1
the following fn return
int fun(int n; int y; int z)
int sum
return sum
Ans 0(check)
6. The values of sum from above fn
for x=0; y=0;z=1 Ans 1 can you insert the following values in stack and numbers
stack [][][][][][]
numb [][][][][][][]
60 50 40 30 20 10
10 20 30 40 50 60
8. # if ndif XYZ
#include "XYZ.h"
what is meaning ?
if XYZ is not defined then only include the header file XYZ.h.
9. p:malloc(int*sizeof(int));
ans: a
10.a=5 b=10 c=7
(a c)?a:((b c)?b:c) ans 10
11. debugging eliminates Ans[c]
ans: both logical & ruin time errors.
12. int term (int x)
{ int sum=0;int i;
sum+=x; /*problel is wrong but Ans is 650.*/
} Ans 650
the above fn value for x=150 x;
what is error in the above program a[] = { 1, , 9,2.......}
int *p;
a)7 b)2 c)4407 d)none
ans: d
15.a[][] = {1,2},{3,4}
b[] [] ={
void fun(A,B)
int i,j;
return sum;
what is wrong in the above function?
(i)syntax (ii) runtime (iii) logical (iv) debugging.
17. A binary tree with depth of '3' has max kof 20 nodes ans: no.
18. breadth search and depth search in binary tree.
1.20%loss;20 % gain Ans 4% loss
2.Order problem Ans : Bo,Ka,A,Tp Ans Bo
3.10%5+3*2-3 ans:5
4.Calls:Tissus::Atom:? Ans:Molecules
5.cube problem( 32 bigger+4 smaller cubes)- R.S.Aggrawal nonverbal
- pg 92: 5 questions
6 PQRSTU- problem- Verbal Reasoning - 430 : 5
7 problem - verbal reasoning - rs aggrawal pg 207 Quest 17 to 21.
1. malloc ? 2. char * p =" hwllo world " , what is wrong?
3. char *(*(*a(N))())();?
4.*p++ = ?
5 int i=7
printf( "%d
",i++ i++) o/p =? ans 56
6.n=2 pow((2.0,n),++n)?
7 #define macro for ( i,g) ?
8. int reg=2 is there any wrong ? write a reason
9. #define max 10
} what is wrong
10. strcat( string,'O');
wrong? werite reason?
11.char *s=char * ....
else (string)....? wrong? write reason?
1. Venn diagram for white, clothes,flowers
2.Male members ABCDEF, female members PQRSTU
This problem is same as in rs aggrawal [5questions]
3. not clear.
4. IMS material A sales person problem.
[5 question] conditions: M must visit before P&Q
5. A containor contains 40 lt milk, 8 lt water
ans:( 0.80)^3 * 40 = 20.41lts.
6. direction problem (playing cards) Ams south-west.
1. antonym
p.... ans. static
3. there are six question of series.
1 2 3 5 8 ? ans.
102 204 102 ans. 256
questions are very easy .you can solve easily there.
4. word1 : word2 = motorola : ..... ans . c
5 . this type are question are asked.
1 2 4
10 ?
3 4 ...
6. instruction to add 3 ....... ans. 4
7.floor problem ...... ans. 11th floor
Motorola Interview.
There was a Technical Interview, followed by personal interview.
Mainly concetrating on the interesting subjects.
write a C code reverse a string using a recursive function, without
swapping or using an extra memory.
2.To reverse a linked list as above.
given a macro like
#define MAX(A,B) {to return that is larger}
what will MAX(i++,j),MAX(i,j++) return.
Difference between Macro and ordinary definition.
Difference between Class and Struct.
Testing and Maintenance.(will you work in it and what are they)
Give the outputs of a compiler and assembler and loader and linker etc.
If a new data structure, suppose a queue is to be added like int, long
where shall the changes be -- lex or yacc or where.
what is a Real Time OS.
Name some.
Describe VRTX in few words.
How does the scheduler know the time how it should be scheduled.
sockets, TLI, streams.
and much about project.
What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?
What is a semaphore?
What exactly happens after each system call in sockets, both at the
client and at the server.
What is the difference between widget & gadget in XWindows?
Tell about strtok & strstr functions.
Motorola Interview.
There was a Technical Interview,followed by personal interview.
Mainly concetrating on the interesting subjects.
Motorola India Bangaloe Placemnt Paper
Paper : Motorola India Bangaloe Placemnt Paper
Motorola India
Job profile was writing codes/programs for its mobile,job location banglore. test paper consisted of 30 objective questions. most of them were electronics,3 c programs-find out mistakes from them.
In one of them an int type variable was assigned value using function:
int i= func(), however the function was not declared earlier. One question was on enum declaration enum a ( a=1,b,c=2,d; ) what is value of b?
Binary tree was given and its output when printed in inorder,post order pre order The chapter miscellaneous features oc c in let us c by yashwant kanetkar proved to be useful electronics questions- One question was to find swr. fourier transform of contionuous periodic ,contionuous aperiodic,discreet periodic periodic discrete aperiodic signal is-(match the following type of question)
Which of the following type of AM requires least power ssb veatigial side band dsb suppressed carrier iir filter is an all pole all zero no poles poles and zeros Question based on the x(k) =x(N-k) property of dft.
Who is the global brand ambassador of motorola? Interview Questions-Tell us about yourself. Describe and give functions of layers in internet-application,transport etc .what happens in cyclic redundancy chek.than he asked do you know sliding window protocol .(ans-no)
what is AM,FM,CDMA.(when i told that codes are orthogonal in CDMA than he asked what is orthogonality)why do AM waves propogate farther than fm.what happens in GSM(i.e fdma or tdma) Few people were questioned on dsp,c programs or/and there projects.
Told to implement a boolean equation using nand gates. then questions on c
Motorola India Fresher Placement Test Paper
Paper : Motorola India Fresher Placement Test Paper
Company Name : Motorola India
Job profile was writing codes/programs for its mobile, job location banglore. test paper consisted of 30 objective questions. most of them were electronics, 3 C programs-find out mistakes from them.
In one of them an int type variable was assigned value using function: int i= func(), however the function was not declared earlier. One question was on enum declaration enum a ( a=1,b,c=2,d; ) what is value of b?
Binary tree was given and its output when printed in inorder,post order pre order The chapter miscellaneous features oc c in let us c by yashwant kanetkar proved to be useful electronics questions- One question was to find swr. fourier transform of contionuous Periodic, Contionuous Aperiodic, Discreet Periodic Periodic discrete aperiodic signal is-(match the following type of question) Which of the following type of AM requires least power ssb veatigial side band dsb suppressed carrier iir filter is an all pole all zero no poles poles and zeros Question based on the x(k) =x(N-k) property of dft.
Who is the global brand ambassador of motorola? Interview Questions-Tell us about yourself. Describe and give functions of layers in internet-application,transport etc .what happens in cyclic redundancy chek.than he asked do you know sliding window protocol .(ans-no) what is AM,FM,CDMA.(when i told that codes are orthogonal in CDMA than he asked what is orthogonality)why do AM waves propogate farther than fm.what happens in GSM(i.e fdma or tdma) Few people were questioned on dsp,c programs or/and there projects.
Told to implement a boolean equation using nand gates. then questions on C.
No of Rounds : Client/Manager Interview
There were basically 3 papers -software ,DSP, Semiconductor software paper (20 questions 45 minutes) concentrate more on data structures 10 questions from data structures and 10 from C++ and data structures10 questions were in the fill in the blank format and 10 questions were multiple choice questions.
1. bubble sorting is
a) two stage sorting
d) none of the above
2. c++ supports
a) pass by value only
b) pass by name
c) pass by pointer
d) pass by value and by reference
3. Selection sort for a sequence of N elements
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________
4. Insertion sort
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________
5. what is a language?
a) set of alphabets
b)set of strings formed from alphabets
d)none of the above
6. Which is true abt heap sort
a)two method sort
b)has complexity of O(N2)
c)complexity of O(N3)
7. In binary tree which of the following is true
a) binary tree with even nodes is balanced
b) every binary tree has a balance tree
c) every binary tree cant be balanced
d) binary tree with odd no of nodes can always be balanced
8. Which of the following is not conducive for linked list implementation of array
a) binary search
b) sequential search
c) selection sort
d) bubble sort
9. In c++ ,casting in C is upgraded as
10. Which of the following is true abt AOV(Active On Vertex trees)
a)it is an undirected graph with vertex representing activities and edges representing precedence relations
b)it is an directed graph "" "" """ "" "" "" "" "" "
.11. Question on worst and best case of sequential search
12. question on breadth first search
13. char *p="abcdefghijklmno"
then printf("%s",5[p]);
14. what is the error
struct { int item; int x;}
main(){ int y=4; return y;}
error:absence of semicolon
15. Which of the following is false regarding protected members
a)can be accessed by friend functions of the child
b) can be accessed by friends of child's child
c)usually unacccessible by friends of class
d) child has the ability to convert child ptr to base ptr
16. What is the output of the following
void main()
int a=5,b=10;
int &ref1=a,&ref2=b;
++ ref1;
++ ref2;
} value of a and b
a)5 and 12
b)7 and 10
c)11 and 11
d)none of the above
17. What does this return
f(int n)
return n<1?0:n==1?1:f(n-1)+f(n-2)
hint:this is to generate fibonacci series
code for finding out whether a string is a palindrome,reversal of linked list, recursive computation of factorial with
blanks in the case of some variables.we have to fill it out
18. for eg; for palindrome
palindrome(char * inputstring)
int len=strlen ( ?);
int start= ?;
end =inputstring + ?-?;
for(; ?<end && ?==?;++ ?,--?);
return(?==?); }
we have to replace the question marks(?) with corresponding variables
19. .linked list reversal
Linked (Link *h)
Link *temp,*r=0,*y=h;
while(y!= ?) (ans:Null)
temp = ?;(ans:y->next)
some code here with similar fill in type
20. fill in the blanks type question involving recursive factorial computation
There were basically 3 papers -software ,DSP, Semiconductor software paper (20 questions 45 minutes) concentrate more on data structures 10 questions from data structures and 10 from C++ and data structures10 questions were in the fill in the blank format and 10 questions were multiple choice questions.
1. bubble sorting is
a) two stage sorting
d) none of the above
2. c++ supports
a) pass by value only
b) pass by name
c) pass by pointer
d) pass by value and by reference
3. Selection sort for a sequence of N elements
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________
4. Insertion sort
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________
5. what is a language?
a) set of alphabets
b)set of strings formed from alphabets
d)none of the above
6. Which is true abt heap sort
a)two method sort
b)has complexity of O(N2)
c)complexity of O(N3)
7. In binary tree which of the following is true
a) binary tree with even nodes is balanced
b) every binary tree has a balance tree
c) every binary tree cant be balanced
d) binary tree with odd no of nodes can always be balanced
8. Which of the following is not conducive for linked list implementation of array
a) binary search
b) sequential search
c) selection sort
d) bubble sort
9. In c++ ,casting in C is upgraded as
10. Which of the following is true abt AOV(Active On Vertex trees)
a)it is an undirected graph with vertex representing activities and edges representing precedence relations
b)it is an directed graph "" "" """ "" "" "" "" "" "
11. Question on worst and best case of sequential search
12. question on breadth first search
13. char *p="abcdefghijklmno"
then printf("%s",5[p]);
14. what is the error
struct { int item; int x;}
main(){ int y=4; return y;}
error:absence of semicolon
15. Which of the following is false regarding protected members
a)can be accessed by friend functions of the child
b) can be accessed by friends of child's child
c)usually unacccessible by friends of class
d) child has the ability to convert child ptr to base ptr
16. What is the output of the following
void main()
int a=5,b=10;
int &ref1=a,&ref2=b;
++ ref1;
++ ref2;
} value of a and b
a)5 and 12
b)7 and 10
c)11 and 11
d)none of the above
17. What does this return
f(int n)
return n<1?0:n==1?1:f(n-1)+f(n-2)
hint:this is to generate fibonacci series
code for finding out whether a string is a palindrome,reversal of linked list, recursive computation of factorial with
blanks in the case of some variables.we have to fill it out
18. for eg; for palindrome
palindrome(char * inputstring)
int len=strlen ( ?);
int start= ?;
end =inputstring + ?-?;
for(; ?<end && ?==?;++ ?,--?);
return(?==?); }
we have to replace the question marks(?) with corresponding variables
19. .linked list reversal
Linked (Link *h)
Link *temp,*r=0,*y=h;
while(y!= ?) (ans:Null)
temp = ?;(ans:y->next)
some code here with similar fill in type
20. fill in the blanks type question involving recursive factorial computation
Motorola Paper Technical - C & C++
Motorola Paper Technical - C & C++
There were basically 3 papers -software ,DSP, Semiconductor software paper (20 questions 45 minutes) concentrate more on data structures 10 questions from data structures and 10 from C++ and data structures10 questions were in the fill in the blank format and 10 questions were multiple choice questions.
1)bubble sorting is
a)two stage sorting
d)none of the above
2).c++ supports
a) pass by value only
b) pass by name
c) pass by pointer
d) pass by value and by reference
3).Selection sort for a sequence of N elements
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________
4)Insertion sort
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________
5)what is a language?
a) set of alphabets
b)set of strings formed from alphabets
d)none of the above
6)Which is true abt heap sort
a)two method sort
b)has complexity of O(N2)
c)complexity of O(N3)
7)In binary tree which of the following is true
a)binary tree with even nodes is balanced
b)every binary tree has a balance tree
c)every binary tree cant be balanced
d)binary tree with odd no of nodes can always be balanced
8)Which of the following is not conducive for linked list implementation of array
a)binary search
b)sequential search
c)selection sort
d)bubble sort
9)In c++ ,casting in C is upgraded as
10)Which of the following is true abt AOV(Active On Vertex trees)
a)it is an undirected graph with vertex representing activities and edges representing precedence relations
b)it is an directed graph "" "" """ "" "" "" "" "" "
Question on worst and best case of sequential search
question on breadth first search
char *p="abcdefghijklmno"
then printf("%s",5[p]);
1) what is the error
struct { int item; int x;}
main(){ int y=4; return y;}
error:absence of semicolon
2)Which of the following is false regarding protected members
a)can be accessed by friend functions of the child
b) can be accessed by friends of child,s child
c)usually unacccessible by friends of class
d) child has the ability to convert child ptr to base ptr
3)What is the output of the following
void main()
int a=5,b=10;
int &ref1=a,&ref2=b;
++ ref1;
++ ref2;
} value of a and b
a)5 and 12
b)7 and 10
c)11 and 11
d)none of the above
Motorola 99
there are 45 question . no technical question are asked.time 45 mins.
2 reasoning question means total 11 questoins.reasoning is not from GRE.
1. antonym
p.... ans. static
2.there are 1800 coin is counterfiet many minimum
weight is required to find counterfiet coin.
3. there are six question of series.
1 2 3 5 8 ? ans.
102 204 102 ans. 256
questions are very easy .you can solve easily there.
4. word1 : word2 = motorola : ..... ans . c
5 . this type are question are asked.
1 2 4
10 ?
3 4 ...
6. instruction to add 3 ....... ans. 4
7.floor problem ...... ans. 11th floor
Motorola Interview.
There was a Technical Interview,followed by personal interview.
Mainly concetrating on the interesting subjects.
write a C code reverse a string using a recursive function, without
swapping or using an extra memory.
2.To reverse a linked list as above.
given a macro like
#define MAX(A,B) {to return that is larger}
what will MAX(i++,j),MAX(i,j++) return.
Difference between Macro and ordinary definition.
Difference between Class and Struct.
Testing and Maintenance.(will you work in it and what are they)
Give the outputs of a compiler and assembler and loader
and linker etc.
If a new data structure, suppose a queue is to be added
like int, long
where shall the changes be -- lex or yacc or where.
what is a Real Time OS.
Name some.
Describe VRTX in few words.
How does the scheduler know the time how it should be scheduled.
sockets, TLI, streams.
and much about project.
What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?
What is a semaphore?
What exactly happens after each system call in sockets,
both at the
client and at the server.
What is the difference between widget & gadget in XWindows?
Tell about strtok & strstr functions.
7.Interchanging strings and numbers Ans C
8. Matricide:Mother:: Homicide:? Ans Human
9.Some Mammels are Vertebrates
Some Vertebrates are....... Ans d
10. Figure patteren: --|--.......etc. direction changes problem.
11. work problem.........etc. (not clear).
1. main()
int arr[100];
int c:
int N;
minvalue i = .....
Maxvalue i = ..... Ans 0,100 resp
2. Union Problem ..... Ans : a or c
3. for n=2 the following fn returning value is
int fun(int n)
for(i = 1;i<=n;i++)
} Ans 6
4. Calculate sum=1+1+2+1+2+3+1......
Ans i<=x;j<=i
5. for x=2 y=3 z=1
the following fn return
int fun(int n; int y; int z)
int sum
return sum
Ans 0(check)
6. The values of sum from above fn
for x=0; y=0;z=1 Ans 1 can you insert the following values in stack and numbers
stack [][][][][][]
numb [][][][][][][]
60 50 40 30 20 10
10 20 30 40 50 60
8. # if ndif XYZ
#include "XYZ.h"
what is meaning ?
if XYZ is not defined then only include the header file XYZ.h.
9. p:malloc(int*sizeof(int));
ans: a
10.a=5 b=10 c=7
(a c)?a:((b c)?b:c) ans 10
11. debugging eliminates Ans[c]
ans: both logical & ruin time errors.
12. int term (int x)
{ int sum=0;int i;
sum+=x; /*problel is wrong but Ans is 650.*/
} Ans 650
the above fn value for x=150 x;
what is error in the above program a[] = { 1, , 9,2.......}
int *p;
a)7 b)2 c)4407 d)none
ans: d
15.a[][] = {1,2},{3,4}
b[] [] ={
void fun(A,B)
int i,j;
return sum;
what is wrong in the above function?
(i)syntax (ii) runtime (iii) logical (iv) debugging.
17. A binary tree with depth of '3' has max kof 20 nodes ans: no.
18. breadth search and depth search in binary tree.
1.20%loss;20 % gain Ans 4% loss
2.Order problem Ans : Bo,Ka,A,Tp Ans Bo
3.10%5+3*2-3 ans:5
4.Calls:Tissus::Atom:? Ans:Molecules
5.cube problem( 32 bigger+4 smaller cubes)- R.S.Aggrawal nonverbal
- pg 92: 5 questions
6 PQRSTU- problem- Verbal Reasoning - 430 : 5
7 problem - verbal reasoning - rs aggrawal pg 207 Quest 17 to 21.
1. malloc ? 2. char * p =" hwllo world " , what is wrong?
3. char *(*(*a(N))())();?
4.*p++ = ?
5 int i=7
printf( "%d
",i++ i++) o/p =? ans 56
6.n=2 pow((2.0,n),++n)?
7 #define macro for ( i,g) ?
8. int reg=2 is there any wrong ? write a reason
9. #define max 10
} what is wrong
10. strcat( string,'O');
wrong? werite reason?
11.char *s=char * ....
else (string)....? wrong? write reason?
1. Venn diagram for white, clothes,flowers
2.Male members ABCDEF, female members PQRSTU
This problem is same as in rs aggrawal [5questions]
3. not clear.
4. IMS material A sales person problem.
[5 question] conditions: M must visit before P&Q
5. A containor contains 40 lt milk, 8 lt water
ans:( 0.80)^3 * 40 = 20.41lts.
6. direction problem (playing cards) Ams south-west.
1. antonym
p.... ans. static
3. there are six question of series.
1 2 3 5 8 ? ans.
102 204 102 ans. 256
questions are very easy .you can solve easily there.
4. word1 : word2 = motorola : ..... ans . c
5 . this type are question are asked.
1 2 4
10 ?
3 4 ...
6. instruction to add 3 ....... ans. 4
7.floor problem ...... ans. 11th floor
Motorola Interview.
There was a Technical Interview, followed by personal interview.
Mainly concetrating on the interesting subjects.
write a C code reverse a string using a recursive function, without
swapping or using an extra memory.
2.To reverse a linked list as above.
given a macro like
#define MAX(A,B) {to return that is larger}
what will MAX(i++,j),MAX(i,j++) return.
Difference between Macro and ordinary definition.
Difference between Class and Struct.
Testing and Maintenance.(will you work in it and what are they)
Give the outputs of a compiler and assembler and loader and linker etc.
If a new data structure, suppose a queue is to be added like int, long
where shall the changes be -- lex or yacc or where.
what is a Real Time OS.
Name some.
Describe VRTX in few words.
How does the scheduler know the time how it should be scheduled.
sockets, TLI, streams.
and much about project.
What is deadlock? How do you avoid it?
What is a semaphore?
What exactly happens after each system call in sockets, both at the
client and at the server.
What is the difference between widget & gadget in XWindows?
Tell about strtok & strstr functions.
Motorola Interview.
There was a Technical Interview,followed by personal interview.
Mainly concetrating on the interesting subjects.
Motorola India Bangaloe Placemnt Paper
Paper : Motorola India Bangaloe Placemnt Paper
Motorola India
Job profile was writing codes/programs for its mobile,job location banglore. test paper consisted of 30 objective questions. most of them were electronics,3 c programs-find out mistakes from them.
In one of them an int type variable was assigned value using function:
int i= func(), however the function was not declared earlier. One question was on enum declaration enum a ( a=1,b,c=2,d; ) what is value of b?
Binary tree was given and its output when printed in inorder,post order pre order The chapter miscellaneous features oc c in let us c by yashwant kanetkar proved to be useful electronics questions- One question was to find swr. fourier transform of contionuous periodic ,contionuous aperiodic,discreet periodic periodic discrete aperiodic signal is-(match the following type of question)
Which of the following type of AM requires least power ssb veatigial side band dsb suppressed carrier iir filter is an all pole all zero no poles poles and zeros Question based on the x(k) =x(N-k) property of dft.
Who is the global brand ambassador of motorola? Interview Questions-Tell us about yourself. Describe and give functions of layers in internet-application,transport etc .what happens in cyclic redundancy chek.than he asked do you know sliding window protocol .(ans-no)
what is AM,FM,CDMA.(when i told that codes are orthogonal in CDMA than he asked what is orthogonality)why do AM waves propogate farther than fm.what happens in GSM(i.e fdma or tdma) Few people were questioned on dsp,c programs or/and there projects.
Told to implement a boolean equation using nand gates. then questions on c
Motorola India Fresher Placement Test Paper
Paper : Motorola India Fresher Placement Test Paper
Company Name : Motorola India
Job profile was writing codes/programs for its mobile, job location banglore. test paper consisted of 30 objective questions. most of them were electronics, 3 C programs-find out mistakes from them.
In one of them an int type variable was assigned value using function: int i= func(), however the function was not declared earlier. One question was on enum declaration enum a ( a=1,b,c=2,d; ) what is value of b?
Binary tree was given and its output when printed in inorder,post order pre order The chapter miscellaneous features oc c in let us c by yashwant kanetkar proved to be useful electronics questions- One question was to find swr. fourier transform of contionuous Periodic, Contionuous Aperiodic, Discreet Periodic Periodic discrete aperiodic signal is-(match the following type of question) Which of the following type of AM requires least power ssb veatigial side band dsb suppressed carrier iir filter is an all pole all zero no poles poles and zeros Question based on the x(k) =x(N-k) property of dft.
Who is the global brand ambassador of motorola? Interview Questions-Tell us about yourself. Describe and give functions of layers in internet-application,transport etc .what happens in cyclic redundancy chek.than he asked do you know sliding window protocol .(ans-no) what is AM,FM,CDMA.(when i told that codes are orthogonal in CDMA than he asked what is orthogonality)why do AM waves propogate farther than fm.what happens in GSM(i.e fdma or tdma) Few people were questioned on dsp,c programs or/and there projects.
Told to implement a boolean equation using nand gates. then questions on C.
No of Rounds : Client/Manager Interview
There were basically 3 papers -software ,DSP, Semiconductor software paper (20 questions 45 minutes) concentrate more on data structures 10 questions from data structures and 10 from C++ and data structures10 questions were in the fill in the blank format and 10 questions were multiple choice questions.
1. bubble sorting is
a) two stage sorting
d) none of the above
2. c++ supports
a) pass by value only
b) pass by name
c) pass by pointer
d) pass by value and by reference
3. Selection sort for a sequence of N elements
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________
4. Insertion sort
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________
5. what is a language?
a) set of alphabets
b)set of strings formed from alphabets
d)none of the above
6. Which is true abt heap sort
a)two method sort
b)has complexity of O(N2)
c)complexity of O(N3)
7. In binary tree which of the following is true
a) binary tree with even nodes is balanced
b) every binary tree has a balance tree
c) every binary tree cant be balanced
d) binary tree with odd no of nodes can always be balanced
8. Which of the following is not conducive for linked list implementation of array
a) binary search
b) sequential search
c) selection sort
d) bubble sort
9. In c++ ,casting in C is upgraded as
10. Which of the following is true abt AOV(Active On Vertex trees)
a)it is an undirected graph with vertex representing activities and edges representing precedence relations
b)it is an directed graph "" "" """ "" "" "" "" "" "
.11. Question on worst and best case of sequential search
12. question on breadth first search
13. char *p="abcdefghijklmno"
then printf("%s",5[p]);
14. what is the error
struct { int item; int x;}
main(){ int y=4; return y;}
error:absence of semicolon
15. Which of the following is false regarding protected members
a)can be accessed by friend functions of the child
b) can be accessed by friends of child's child
c)usually unacccessible by friends of class
d) child has the ability to convert child ptr to base ptr
16. What is the output of the following
void main()
int a=5,b=10;
int &ref1=a,&ref2=b;
++ ref1;
++ ref2;
} value of a and b
a)5 and 12
b)7 and 10
c)11 and 11
d)none of the above
17. What does this return
f(int n)
return n<1?0:n==1?1:f(n-1)+f(n-2)
hint:this is to generate fibonacci series
code for finding out whether a string is a palindrome,reversal of linked list, recursive computation of factorial with
blanks in the case of some variables.we have to fill it out
18. for eg; for palindrome
palindrome(char * inputstring)
int len=strlen ( ?);
int start= ?;
end =inputstring + ?-?;
for(; ?<end && ?==?;++ ?,--?);
return(?==?); }
we have to replace the question marks(?) with corresponding variables
19. .linked list reversal
Linked (Link *h)
Link *temp,*r=0,*y=h;
while(y!= ?) (ans:Null)
temp = ?;(ans:y->next)
some code here with similar fill in type
20. fill in the blanks type question involving recursive factorial computation
There were basically 3 papers -software ,DSP, Semiconductor software paper (20 questions 45 minutes) concentrate more on data structures 10 questions from data structures and 10 from C++ and data structures10 questions were in the fill in the blank format and 10 questions were multiple choice questions.
1. bubble sorting is
a) two stage sorting
d) none of the above
2. c++ supports
a) pass by value only
b) pass by name
c) pass by pointer
d) pass by value and by reference
3. Selection sort for a sequence of N elements
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________
4. Insertion sort
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________
5. what is a language?
a) set of alphabets
b)set of strings formed from alphabets
d)none of the above
6. Which is true abt heap sort
a)two method sort
b)has complexity of O(N2)
c)complexity of O(N3)
7. In binary tree which of the following is true
a) binary tree with even nodes is balanced
b) every binary tree has a balance tree
c) every binary tree cant be balanced
d) binary tree with odd no of nodes can always be balanced
8. Which of the following is not conducive for linked list implementation of array
a) binary search
b) sequential search
c) selection sort
d) bubble sort
9. In c++ ,casting in C is upgraded as
10. Which of the following is true abt AOV(Active On Vertex trees)
a)it is an undirected graph with vertex representing activities and edges representing precedence relations
b)it is an directed graph "" "" """ "" "" "" "" "" "
11. Question on worst and best case of sequential search
12. question on breadth first search
13. char *p="abcdefghijklmno"
then printf("%s",5[p]);
14. what is the error
struct { int item; int x;}
main(){ int y=4; return y;}
error:absence of semicolon
15. Which of the following is false regarding protected members
a)can be accessed by friend functions of the child
b) can be accessed by friends of child's child
c)usually unacccessible by friends of class
d) child has the ability to convert child ptr to base ptr
16. What is the output of the following
void main()
int a=5,b=10;
int &ref1=a,&ref2=b;
++ ref1;
++ ref2;
} value of a and b
a)5 and 12
b)7 and 10
c)11 and 11
d)none of the above
17. What does this return
f(int n)
return n<1?0:n==1?1:f(n-1)+f(n-2)
hint:this is to generate fibonacci series
code for finding out whether a string is a palindrome,reversal of linked list, recursive computation of factorial with
blanks in the case of some variables.we have to fill it out
18. for eg; for palindrome
palindrome(char * inputstring)
int len=strlen ( ?);
int start= ?;
end =inputstring + ?-?;
for(; ?<end && ?==?;++ ?,--?);
return(?==?); }
we have to replace the question marks(?) with corresponding variables
19. .linked list reversal
Linked (Link *h)
Link *temp,*r=0,*y=h;
while(y!= ?) (ans:Null)
temp = ?;(ans:y->next)
some code here with similar fill in type
20. fill in the blanks type question involving recursive factorial computation
Motorola Paper Technical - C & C++
Motorola Paper Technical - C & C++
There were basically 3 papers -software ,DSP, Semiconductor software paper (20 questions 45 minutes) concentrate more on data structures 10 questions from data structures and 10 from C++ and data structures10 questions were in the fill in the blank format and 10 questions were multiple choice questions.
1)bubble sorting is
a)two stage sorting
d)none of the above
2).c++ supports
a) pass by value only
b) pass by name
c) pass by pointer
d) pass by value and by reference
3).Selection sort for a sequence of N elements
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________
4)Insertion sort
no of comparisons = _________
no of exchanges = ____________
5)what is a language?
a) set of alphabets
b)set of strings formed from alphabets
d)none of the above
6)Which is true abt heap sort
a)two method sort
b)has complexity of O(N2)
c)complexity of O(N3)
7)In binary tree which of the following is true
a)binary tree with even nodes is balanced
b)every binary tree has a balance tree
c)every binary tree cant be balanced
d)binary tree with odd no of nodes can always be balanced
8)Which of the following is not conducive for linked list implementation of array
a)binary search
b)sequential search
c)selection sort
d)bubble sort
9)In c++ ,casting in C is upgraded as
10)Which of the following is true abt AOV(Active On Vertex trees)
a)it is an undirected graph with vertex representing activities and edges representing precedence relations
b)it is an directed graph "" "" """ "" "" "" "" "" "
Question on worst and best case of sequential search
question on breadth first search
char *p="abcdefghijklmno"
then printf("%s",5[p]);
1) what is the error
struct { int item; int x;}
main(){ int y=4; return y;}
error:absence of semicolon
2)Which of the following is false regarding protected members
a)can be accessed by friend functions of the child
b) can be accessed by friends of child,s child
c)usually unacccessible by friends of class
d) child has the ability to convert child ptr to base ptr
3)What is the output of the following
void main()
int a=5,b=10;
int &ref1=a,&ref2=b;
++ ref1;
++ ref2;
} value of a and b
a)5 and 12
b)7 and 10
c)11 and 11
d)none of the above
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