Sasken Interview Experience-1

Sasken - BANGALORE July 26, 2012


Hi. I was one of the 12 people who were selected in the sasken campus drive at Sir MVIT Bangalore. I'm from computer science branch.

The interview process consisted of three rounds:
1) Online aptitude test
2) Technical Interview
3) HR Interview

1)Online aptitude test:

   It consisted of four sections with 25 questions in each section. First three sections were Quant, Verbal And Logical Reasoning. Absolutely no preparation required for these sections. All questions were related to basic maths. But going through RS AGARWAL book will help. The fourth section was MCQs on 'programming'. nothing related to any specific programming language. Here your logical thinking abilities w.r.t programming are tested. If you are strong with basic concepts of any programming language then this section can be cleared easily. Although 'Test your C skills' book by Yeshwant Kanetkar helps.

Out of the 127 students who wrote the test only 27 cleared. Max filtering is done in the first round itself.

2) Technical Interview:

   HIM: temme somethin bout yarself
   ME: ...

   HIM: what are your goals??
   ME: ...

   HIM: which is the subject you are strong at??
   ME: C programming.

   HIM: tell me any subject other than programming
   ME: OS

   Then he started asking questions about OS. Some of the Qs were like this:
   >different types of OS architectures. . . (i had no idea! :P)
   >What did u learn i OS
   >tell me about processes
   >about threads
   >difference between processes and threads
   >RISC and CISC (i said i donno)
   Then he asked me to rate myself out of 5 in c and c++.
   (if you tell 5 then they will screw the shit out of you!!. play safe)

   Then he started asking some more Qs like:
   >allocate memory for 2D array using malloc
   >prog to reverse a number
   >program to reverse a link list
   >program to find if the link list is circular
   >notations for finding efficiency of an algorithm (big oh, omega, theta) 
Out of the 27 people only 12 cleared Technical round.

3) HR Inteview:

   HIM: temme somethin bout yarself
   ME: ...

   HIM: what are your goals??
   ME: ...
   HIM: Y sasken?
   ME: ... (listen to the ppt and tell stuffs from that)
   HIM: y shud i hire you?
   ME: ...

   And some more commonly asked HR round questions.

HR round was just a formality. All those who cleared Technical round cleared HR round also. Finally results were announced and Welcome letters were given.

The process started at 9AM and got over at 10PM.

Its more than enough if you start preparing 3 days prior to the placement process.
Go through the basics from all the subjects from 3rd semester. and prepare for any one subject thoroughly since questions, in interview, will be asked on 'your' area of interest.

Sasken Communication Technology ltd - Pune, Feb 29,2012

Hi Friends

I am Ankur Bansal, I have done PG-Diploma in DIVESD from C-DAC ACTS, Pune in AUG-2011 batch after B.Tecg in Electronics & Communication. . I was selected in SASKEN during the campusing at C-DAC ACTS Pune held on 29th & 30th Feburary 2012. Here, I have tried my best to help you guys by giving information about the pattern used by SASKEN. There was no negative marking but there was individual cut-off marks for each section (in written round)

1. Written test
2. Technical interview
3. HR interview
4. Personal Interview (just as a formality, in this part of interview they will ask, whether you agree with the bond or not and finally they will give you an offer letter).

1st round is totally based on online C programming test which contain 3 parts: beginner, intermediate and expertise. Question level increases as you move to beginner to intermediate to expertise.
Maximum question is based on file handling. This round is tough. If you clear this round then its easy for next round.

In Technical Round, as I was from ECE department and did Embedded course. they asked me most of the questions from embedded side and linux device driver and C & DS.
the questions were like

1) what is your aim in life?
2) what is difference between static and volatile class?
3) what is difference between structure and union & enum?
4) How dynamically memory is assigned in C.
5) some program based on linked list and stack.
6) what is difference between process, thread and task?
7) what is page fault?
8) what is semaphore, shared memory. Difference between semaphore and mutex?
9) What is the specific use of union in C i.e particular application of union ?
10)  What is AVL & Binary Tree ?
11) How to see, total memory consumed by our C program ?
12) how to Play song and open web browser  from C program ?

Around 45 min, interviewr asked such question and I answerd very clearly. After these basic
question interviewer asked me about my project for about 50 min.

In HR round they asked me the basic questions. So, just prepare some hr questions which are generally asked during the interview.
and remember one more thing, collect some information about Sasken (visit the website of sasken you can easily gather some information).

So, friends what I feel, once you clear the written round, there is a maximum chance to get selected because the rest of the rounds are not so tough. prepare the C, C++ part well. Finally I want to wish you all "BEST OF LUCK".
SASKEN Communication Technology Ltd. - Pune & 29 Feb, 2012

Hi All,

I want to share my interview experience so that, u'll also benifit from that. I have done PG- Diploma in DSSD from C-DAC ACTS, PUNE in Sep-2011 batch after B.E in Electronics. First, i am very much lucky b'cos interview was on 29 February & it was continued for 1h:40 minutes.
Basically, they have asked me on C, DS, Digital Electronics, Logic Implementation, Puzzle.
Some of Interview Questions are:

1. Tell me about ur self ?
2. Tell me about ur project ?
3. What is difference between enum & union in C (not structure & union) ?
4. What is the specific use of union in C i.e particular application of union ?
5. What are the Universal gates? why? Implement X-OR & OR gate from that ?
6. What is difference between Voice & Audio ? (General Question)
7. What is difference between Hobby & Interest ? (General Question)
8. What is Padding concept in C programming.
9. What is AVL & Binary Tree ?
10. Write program to insert & delete node from Doubly Linked List ?
11. Tell me sorting techniques that u know? Explain two of them ?
12. How much max. switch cases can we give in Switch statement ?
13. Can u give new name to main function ? if yes, how ?
14. What is default value of float in advance compiler ? (Ans- 0.00)
15. if i is static. i++ -i++ +++i ---i = ? in C.
16. Difference between bitwise AND & logical AND ? explain with example.
17. Tell me about storage classes? for loop variable which u'll preffer ?

18. Write just 4 line program & check whether in given string, there are number of opening & closing braces are same or not ?
19. How to see, total memory consumed by our C program ?

20. puzzle: u have 3 boxes, one contain red balls, second contain green balls & third contain mix balls (red + greens). red balls box have red labble on it. green balls box have green labble & mix balls box have r+g labble. Now, all the labbles are made wrong i.e. like red to green, r+g to red, green to r+g. now, u have to just select one ball from any one box & do labbles correct. HOW ?

21. how to Play song from C program ?

So, guys prepare for such questions ? & be Confident...

Hi Friends

I am Anuj Sethi, recently I got placed in SASKEN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES on 15th Oct. by God's grace..

A total of about 600-800 students appeared in the campus selection, out of which 66 cleared written then near about half of them were eliminated in Tech. interview and finally about half of them were eliminated in HR.

The selection process was divided into 3 parts:
1. Written Test (65 Questions in about 75 mins.)
2. Tech Interview
3. HR Interview

Written Test:
It was further divided into 3 categories (No sectional cut-off and no -ve marking):

1. English / Comprehensive part (15 Questions): This part includes synonyms, comprehensive passages etc. This part was not at all difficult and no preparation for this part is required according to me.

2. Verbal / Analytical abilities (25 Questions): This part was also easy and Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal is enough to practice this part(however non verbal part is not required for SASKEN). It includes Syllogism/Logical Reasoning, coding-decoding, Puzzle test (a bit difficult) etc. I dun remember exact questions but m giving some similar examples.

(i) 3-4 questions were from Logic section from R.S. Aggarwal for ex:
   (a) Some books are pens.
   (b) Some pens are erasers and some options were given...
   ans: none (coz both the statements were starting with "some")
(not exactly this question was there, but ya 2 of them were alike, as both the statements in them, were startin with "some")

(ii) about 5 questions were based on statement-conclusion. for ex:
   Statement: All athletes do not drink.
   (a) Mohan is a athlete.
   (b) Mohan is not a athlete.
   (c) Mohan drinks.
   (d) Mohan do not drink.
   options: (1) a&c   (2) b&c   (3) a&d   (4) b&d
   ans: (3) a&d

(III) 1 condition on Puzzle test (Family Based problem, type-6 puzzle test under R.S. Aggarwal) was given and 4-5 questions were based on it. it was a bit confusing and difficult, so practice these problems well else if you find it time consuming and still not sure about the result then skip this problem.
   it was something like this: there are some family member: P,Q,R,S,T,U..
   -->P and Q are either males or females.
   -->R or S or both are males
   -->T or U or both are females
   (Q1) who is the son of S
   (Q2) who is wife of P
   (Q3) how many females are there etc...

(iv) 5-10 questions were based on coding-decoding. these were not too difficult to solve but practicing these will save your time.

3. Programming / C ability (25 Questions): This was most difficult part and you need to practice a lot for it specially on loops and on pointers other wise u can't do it.

Some of questions I remember were something like this:

(i) if there is a character pointer say *p having address 100, if we do p++ then what address will it contains
   (a) 102    (b) 104    (c) 108    (d) 101
   ans: 102

(ii) for given pattern what will b the correct algo:
   12    22
   13    23   33
   14    24   34    44
   some thing like this... and some algorithms were given and u have to choose the correct 1.

(iii) 4-5 questions were based on loop problems. A code was given based on loops (quite complex) and u have to choose the right output of it which was quite hard to derive.

Technical Interview:
(Experience and Questions asked)

All the interviewers were quite good so don't get nervous about the interview... just be confident and don't bluff at all if you don't know anything, rather try to divert interviewer's attention on the points/language/skills or subjects in which you are good, but do take care that in that thing you must be sound because after that they will ask each and everything about that particular subject. Like I said that my programming skills are good then he given me 2 programs to write and asked a lot about C++.

Firstly he asked about me and then about my aim... and to explain that...
C programs asked:
1. prog. to display prime no.s
2. prog. to display even no.s.

About C++ he asked me:
3. virtual pointers
4. runtime polymorphism with examples

5. to inherit 3 classes from a single base class in public, protected and private mode and also what is the scope and how data members and member functions of base class will b derived, used and their scope in inherited classes.

Also he asked me that what I meant or understand by telecom, I asked in what sense... he replied: like networks, what u understand by network or what telecompanies do...???

Also they can ask you about your projects in detail and other questions asked from my friends were:
1. to draw block diagram of microprocessor.
2. program to swap using function call by reference and value.
3. difference b/w structures and unions.
4. static and dynamic m/m allocation.
5. task scheduling.
6. multiple inheritance.

HR Interview:
Interviewer was a lady and she was very polite...the interview goes as following:

Lady: Tell something about yourself.
Me: ...bla...bla...

Lady: Tell about your family background
Me: ...bla...bla...

Lady: You have mentioned "adaptive" in your strengths...what do you mean by it and explain in what sense you are adaptive..?
Me: ...bla...bla...

Lady: support your answer with a live example...
Me: ...bla...bla...

Lady: any other instance or example that shows you r adaptive...
Me: ...bla...bla...

Lady: r u ok with the bond?
Me: ya, no problem...

-----then she signed the offer letter and handed to me----

Lady: congratulations Anuj!
Me: So am I selected mam?
Lady: yes!
Me: Thank you mam! thank you very much!!!
Me: Can i ask u one question mam?
Lady: Yes...

Me: Any negative point in me?
Lady: you should work a lil bit on your communication...
Me: k...thank you mam!
Me: Nice meeting you mam!!!

***For SASKEN you need to be good in Data Structures, Pointers, Computer N/W and programming skills.

***GuYs never underestimate yourself... I've done this after facing about 5-6 companies b4...

Always remember when God ordain luck for you... no-body can stop you!!!

Never loose your heart if u dun succeed rather try n try again until u succeed...

Hi Friends

I am Ratnesh Kumar Jha from Murshidabad College of Engineering & Technology. I was selected in SASKEN during the pool campusing at TECHNO INDIA college (Kolkata) held on 23rd & 24th September. Here, I have tried my best to help you guys by giving information about the pattern used by SASKEN. There was no negative marking but there was individual cut-off marks for each section (in written round)

   1. Written test
   2. Technical interview
   3. HR interview
   4. Personal Interview (just as a formality, in this part of interview they will ask, whether you agree with the bond or not and finally they will give you an offer letter).

Written test comprises of 65 questions having three different sections

1) English  2) Verbal & non-verbal reasoning   3) C & C++ questions

There were two paragraphs (5*2=10 marks) and Synonyms (5 marks).
IN reasoning part, there were 2 puzzles (5*2=10 marks) and the other questions were
from coding & decoding (5*1=5 marks) and logical reasoning (syllogism). i don't remember the rest.
In the C & C++ part, most of the questions were from pointers, functions, files, array, dynamic memory allocation (malloc based questions). the pattern of the question was to find out only errors or the o/p of the given program.

In Technical Round, as I was from ECE department they asked me most of the questions from my core subjects.
the questions were like
1) what is your aim in life?
2) which is your fav. subject? (I said microprocessors and networking)
3) what is the diff. bet. 8085 and 8086?
4) what are the no. of flags in 8085 & 8086?
5) details of flags.
6) why 8085 is called 8-bit processor and why 8086 is called 16-bit?
7) about address bus and data buss.
8) what is the difference between software and hardware interrupts?
9) what are the different layers in osi model?
10) difference between internet model and osi model ?
11) what is TCP and which layer it belongs to?
12) what is UDP and which layer it belongs to?
13) diff. between tcp and udp?
14) what is crossbar switching and strowger switching system?
15) diff. betwwen analog communication and digital communication?
16) what is the difference between structure and pointer?
17) how to create a structure?
18) what are the storage classes? explain register and static storage class?
19) write a program to swap the values using pointer?
20) how the memory is allocated in case of structure and union?

      For the ECE students most of the technical questions were asked from microprocessor, networking, digital eloctronics, basic electronics and few questions were asked from C, C++.

In HR round they asked me the basic questions. So, just prepare some hr questions which are generally asked during the interview.
and remember one more thing, collect some information about Sasken (visit the website of sasken you can easily gather some information).

So, frnds what I feel, once you clear the written round, there is a maximum chance to get selected bcoz the rest of the rounds are not so tough. prepare the C, C++ part well. Finally I want to wish you all "BEST OF LUCK".

Hi Friends This is Vamsi Krishna.

I attended the SASKEN placement drive held at Sree VidyaNikethan Engg College in Tirupathi on 12-08-08 and 13-08-08.

Four rounds-- 
Technical interview 
HR interview 
Final interview

The written test was conducted in three sections, all in a single question paper.

SECTION1: English--It consisted of 2 passages,technical related. Also some bits on finding the right meaning of the highlighted words.

SECTION2: Verbal ability--It consisted of coding-decoding problems(very easy), some answering questions based given set of clues(tables).

SECTION3: C language and programming abilities--
25 questions,40 minutes.Some direct questions related to C,accurate output,finding program for given output.

After the test was completed a ppt was given and about two hours later the results were declared. Out of about550,120 candidates wer selected for the next round. I was one of them.

My interview chance came late in the evening. The technical interviewer was very friendly. The questions he asked were
1. how do you rate yourself in C between 1-10
I answered 6-7
2. (situation) If  you were a passenger on a ship nd you came to know that a massive storm  was approaching your way what would you do.
I advice you to think about this in your own unique way.
3. (situation) If  you were an employee of SASKEN and one of your colleagues complains to  your senior officials that you are not up-to the mark and also have  poos skill sets, what will you do?
4. He told me to write down a structure along with its contents in C for implementing a linked list.
5. He asked some more questions from my resume
6. Favourite subject, Why??

I  was then told to wait outside. I got the news that I was qualified for  the next round. I entered the HR room about 2 hours after my technical.
The interviewer was very friendly. First she asked me whether I was feeling OK, nervous, etc.
Then she asked me to tell her something about myself.
Most  of the time I was made to answer this question in an indirect way. There  were some questions from my resume, especially form my paper  presentation. The important thing was that we had to talk. My HR round  lasted about 25minutes.

I was asked to wait outside. The final HR  round interviewer called me in nd asked me if I was ok with the company  with the company policies etc. She then gave me my congratulations letter, a kind of a call letter but an informal one.

In the interview, they asked about Stacks, Queues, Linked lists, Binary Trees.
Few questions I remember are:
1) If u have a linked list library, how do u design stack and queue using it;
write pseudocode.
2) What are static variables and functions?
3) Write code in C to count the number of 1s in a character (1byte).
4) What is pre-order, post-order, in-order; write code to print post-order.
5) Can u construct a binary tree given its inorder and postorder details. Is
it neccessary or sufficient to construct tree. Asked an example to do in both ways.
6) If recursion is not used to print post order, what other data structure u use
(ans: Stack).
7)Can u use stack always in place of recursion?
(ans: Yes)
8) What are meta characters?
9) Write a piece of code to insert a node in a linked list.
10) About malloc.
11) About Operating System - Semaphores
12) About Computability (eg:- finding infinite loop), Complexity of algorithms
13) What does compiler and assembler do?
They asked grep command in Linux. How do u search '
', using grep, in a file.
They may ask some other commands if u say u r familiar and recently been using linux.
About Networks? OSI reference model.
what does transport layer do?
TCP belongs to which layer?
IP belongs to which layer?
Where is error correction done?
What is a connection oriented/ connection less transmission?
What is meant by reliable transmission protocol? why is it called so?
What is flow control and where it is done?
About ur project?
Asked me expalin about the project in brief.
If u don't know anything, say it sincerely. U cannot bluff them. I too spoke
to them sincerely.
They were cool. U need not get tensed. They won't attack you. Just they want
to know ur hold about the subject.

They has conducted Two tests.One test is
C 10 Q for 10 Marks and Other one is in thier corresponding B.Tech Subjects 15 Q for 15 Marks.
For CSE Students the subjects are Automata Theory Formal Languages,Data stcures,
Discrete Mathematics,Operating System,Digital Logic Design,Computer Organisation,
Micro Processer and Computer Networks.

C Test------10 Q-10 M
Electives---15 Q-15 M
Duration of these two exams is 1Hr.
C Test
What is the output of the Program?

int a[10]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
int *p=a;
int *q=&a[9];
Ans: 10
int i=6;
int *p=&i;
a. No Error.
b. Free can't be used for p,
c. Compiler Error.
d. In printf we should use *p instead of i.

Ans: A
What is the output of the Program?

int i=5;
Ans: 0

What is the output of the Program?

int a[10];
Ans: 10
int (*p[10]) ();

In above declaration what type of variable is P?
Ans: P is array of pointers that each points to
a function that takes no arguments and returns
an int.
What is the output of the Program?
struct emp
int a=25;
char b[20]="tgk";
emp e;
printf("%d %s",e.a,e.b);
Ans: Compile Error.
What is the output of the Program?
int a=5;
const int *p=&a;

Ans: Compile Error.
What is the output of the Program?
#define SQ(x) x*x
int a=SQ(2+1);

Ans: 5.
What is the output of the Program?

struct t
int i;
} a,*p=&a;

Ans: 10
This program will be Compiled? [Yes/No]
zzz.c file
/* This is zzz.c file*/
abc.c file
Ans: Yes

CSEA01 Test
I haven't remembered the Qs.I has forgotten Qs.
They has given 5Q in OS,3Q in DM,2Q in ATFL,1Q in DLD,
1Q in CO,1Q in MP 1Q in DS,1Q in CN.

10 ques of C
10 ques of aptitude
10 ques of comp sc.

i m sendin the ques of comp sc whch might help u


1. IN BINARY TREE IF PARENT HAS INDEX i then its left and right child
occurs at:
ans (a) 2i and 2i+1
2. 1 prog is given n scope is asked
ans (b) static scope (probably)

3. complete graph has
ans (b) n vertices and n(n-1)/2 edges

4. page fault is said 2 occur when:
4 choices r given probably (c)

5. probability that a frame is recieved with an error is P in a
probability that the first frame to b recieved with an error is after
the first N frame is
(a) (1-P)*(p raised to power N)
(b) [(1-P) raised to power (N-1)]
(c) p raised to power N
(d) combination of N taken P at a time

6. statistical time division multiplexing provides:
(a) statistics of tdm signal
(b) provision to multiplex analog signal
(c) improved time sharing efficiency
(d) static routing b/w nodes

ans (b) check

7. main advantage of AMI coding is
(a) easy clock recovery
(b) easy carrier recovery
(c) reduced bandwidth req
(d) reduced error rate

8. recursive-descent parser is a
(a) top-down parser
(b) bottom-up parser
(c) shift-reduce parser
(d) LR parser

9. min. no. of NAND gates reqd to implement a 2 i/p x-nor gate
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

10. mandatory feature of a real time OS is:
(a) priority based preemptive scheduling
(b) high time slicing granularity
(c) run to completion
(d) none of the above

These are the Queston asked in the sasken wirtten held on 19th at 3.00 p.m batch.

The Question paper is of three sections
i ) c (most of the questions) and c++;
ii) Apptitude (R.S agarwal)
iii)basic commputer

Each section has 10 questions and the way they aorganised was good and timely.

c and c++;
1. char buffer[]="susan";

a) individual characters can be changed.
b) buffer[7] is not accesible.
c)none of the above.

which of the above is TRUE;

ans : a)

void main()
int ctr=0;
case 0:
case 1:

default :

What is the output of the code.
i) ctr=2;
ii) ctr=3;
iii) ctr=1;
iv) compiler error;

Ans : iii)

void main()
void fun(int,int);
int i ,j;
void fun(int i,int j)

Question : what is the output ?

iv) compiler error.

Ans : ii)

void main()
int a[20];

void main()
char *s="susan";

i) compiler error;
ii) s;
iii) susan;
iv) 5;

Ans: iii)


i) const * int p;
ii) int const *p;
iii) const int *p;

Question : which of the following is same.

a)i) and ii)
b)i),ii) and iii)
c)ii) and iii)
d)none of the above.


i) (*ptr)++;
ii) *ptr+=1;
iii) *ptr++;

Question: which of the folowing is same.

a)i) and ii)
b)i),ii) and iii)
c)ii) and iii)
d)none of the above.

a)for(int i=0; i<50 ;i++)
for( int j=0; j<100; j++)

b)for(int i=0; i<100 ;i++)
for( int j=0; j<50; j++)

Question : Which of the above 2 codes executes quickly.

i) a) is faster than b)
ii) b) is fater than a)
iii) both a) and b) executes for same time.
iv) depends upon the compiler and the hardware used.

Ans: " I think iii)" (check it out)


fun( int x, int y)
x =3;
y =2;

int i;
fun( i,i);

Question :if the value is 2 then the calling mechanism is

a. Call by name
b. Call by refernce
c. Call by value

ans : call by reference

sorry my memory last a question...(10th)

"The question paper is a easy one but i think they are expecting a higher cut-off".

In apptidute they ask train,socks(probability),work..

In computer Basic's data structure (tree,queue) like best search method

There r 10 ques. in three sections each, thus total 30 ques. 4 choices
given. 1 mark for each ans. no negative marking.

q.1 if phase of different frequency components of signal vary linearly
they all reach destination with delay
1) delay also vary linerly.
2) no change in delay,

q.2 what is the relation in dbm and db?
1) same
2) dbm is 10 times db
3) db is 10 times dbm
4) db is relative measure and dbm is absolute measure.

q.3 difference in PSK and QPSK
a. slower sample rate
b. greater sample rate
c. slower bit rate
d. greater bit rate.

q.4 what is the main problem with power line communication
a. high audio signal generation
b. seperation of modulating and career signal
c. (something) low pass filtering

q.5 a signal is to be transmitted 1000km long distance sending 10 mbps
. if
signal consists of 1000 bits/package and takes 5 microsecs. to transmit
how much data is to be send such that line gets fully filled.
a. 100
b. 500

q.6 if a process is wide sense stationary then
a. it's probability density function is also wss
b. power spectral density is wss
c. it's mean constant and auto correlation function depends only on
diff. t1-t2.

q.7 for intelligent sound signal transmission
a. low pass filter of 1.8khz is to be used.
b. hpf of 1.8khz

q.8 if a 32 bit number in fractional form is to be converted into float
it is multiplied with
a. 2^31
b. 1/(2^31 - 1)
c. 2^31 -1

q.9 if signal is sampled at 8 khz and the signal of 1 khz is
transmitted then

q.1 char const *p='p' then which of below is true
a.**P =

q.2 recursive function
if count<=1
then result = 1;
result = count(n-3) + count(n-1)
for count(6) ans is:
a. 3
b. 6
c. 9
d. 12

q.3 for(i=0;i<=50;i++)

for(i=0;i<=50;i++) for this type of loop which one is faster
a. same
b. first
c. second
d. depends on s/w and h/w

q.4 #define putchar(%f,c)
int c='d';
what is the output?
a. ,b. some numbers
c. compiler error
d. segmentation error

q.5 file a
{ int a; }

file b
void main(void)
{ int b;
b= test();
what is the output
a. a
b. b
c. not compiled,error
d. compiles sucessfully,but give linker error

q.1 if 2<x<3 and 7<y<8 then which is greatest
a. (x^2)*y
b. y^2)x
c. 5xy

q.2 in parallelogram what values of angles r possible
i. 90,90,90,90
ii. 70,130,70,130
iii. 40,70,150,130
a. i and ii only
b,c,d,e : combinations

q.3 if x+y=z is given what can be inferred from it0
i. x<z
ii. x<y
iii. x<2z
a. i only
b. i and ii only n ohter combi

q.4 if B is 8 miles in east from city A, c at 16 in north from B, D 16
in east of C, E at 12 in north of D then what is the distance b/t a and
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
e. 50

q.5 in a library for each single novell there r 2 science book and for
science book there r 7 economics books then the ratio of economics to
to novell is
a. 1:2:14
b. 2:1:7
c. 14:2:1

q.6 ira is taller than sam, harold is shorter than gene, elliot is
than harold
sam and harold is of same height. thenwhich one is true.
a.sam is shorter than harold
b. elliot is taller than gene
c. ira is taller than elliot
d. elliot is shorter than gene
e. harold is shorter than ira

q.7 if a(n) is to be entered following the rule [ a(n)^2 - 1 ] then
what r
the next three enteries.
a. 0,-1,0
b. 2,3,4
c. 1,2,3
d. 0,-1,2
e. 0,-1,1

The test comprises of 2 sections:

1. Technical ( C ) & Technical Subject- 60 mins, 60 questions

2. Logical Reasoning.. - 30 mins,17 questions....

==> Questions in C were mostly from "pointers in c" and "test ur C
skills" by Yeshwant Kanetkar... C questions based on command line arguments, data
structure ( BST, tree traversals). All the questions were like " what
is the output of the following program segment" and in many questions 3rd and
4th choices were (c) compilation error and (d) compilation, warning,
runtime error.... Heard they are asking abt- ptr, string, arr, preprocessor,
data structures etc.. C test was pretty ok pass by value, pass by reference
etc. questions were asked The general test was pretty tough, they ask u
fourier transforms,harmonics,Barkhuasen criterion,virtual memory,Whether FIFO
is better than LRU etc. 4 questions were from fourier transforms the
duration was 60 mins and no negative marking
C basics 10 questions ,very easy.Given a program and asked the
output-type questons.from pointers 3-4 questions are there. 2)reg subject:very very
easy:some from digital(on nand gates. Jk flip flop),from Information
theory and coding,some from Micro processors.

In Logical Reasoning all the 17 questions were paragraphs (argument) of  5 to
6 sentences...five sentences (choices) will be given below and questions were
asked like " which of the five if true will weaken or supports the argument
above .." :- R. S. Agrawal LR is sufficient

The questions were like this.
The text consists of two parts
1) C test
2) CSE01 Test
Duration: 1hr


/*void print_arr(float **p)
printf("%f %f %f

void main ()
float arr[2][3]={{0,1,2},{3,4,5}};
float **fl_arr;
clrscr ();
fl_arr=(float **) arr;

# define putchar(c) printf("%c",c)

void main ()
int s='c';
clrscr ();
putchar (s);

void main ()
int i;
clrscr ();
int i=100;

void main ()
int a[]={9,4,1,7,5};
int *p;clrscr ();

void main ()
int a[]={101,201,301,401,501,601,701,801,901,001};
int *p; clrscr ();
printf("%d", ((char *)-a + sizeof(int)));
p=(int *) ((char *) a +sizeof (int));

main ()
int a[10]={10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1}; clrscr ();
int *p=a;
int *q=&a[7];

main ()
int i=5; clrscr ();
i= !i >3;

void main ()
int a[10]; clrscr ();
printf("%d ",*(a+3));

Sasken Sample Test Paper.


  1. Two people were walking in opposite directions.both of them walked 6
miles forward then took right and walked 8 far is each from starting positions?
       a) 14 miles and 14 miles
       b) 10 miles 10 miles
       c) 6 miles 6 miles

2. a person has certain number of cows and birds.they have 172 eyes and
344 many cows and birds does he have?

3. A person has 14 red socks and 14 white socks in a drawer.what is the
minimum number of socks that he should take to get a correct pair?

4. when a number is multiplied by 13,it will become greater to 105 by an
amt with which it is lesser to105 by now.what is the number

5. when asked what the time is, a person answered that the amount of time
left is 1/5 of the time already completed.what is the time?

6.when I become as old as my father is now, I will be 5 times the age of
my son.and my son will be 8 yrs older than what I am now.father+my old is my son now?

7.Two peoples on cycles are traveling at 10 miles / hour.when they reach
a distance of 50 miles, a housefly lands on the first cyclist and then  flies
to the other and so a speed of 16 miles/hour.what is the distance
covered by fly before cyclist meet?

8. my successor's father is my father's son. and i don't have any brothers
or sons..who is my successor?

9. The hours remaining in a day is one-fifth of the hours passed in the
day. What is the time?

10. My successor is my uncles only brothers son who is his only kid.
(some what like this)

11.My successor is my uncles only brothers son who is his only kid.
(some what like this)

12. A and B starts from the same point and moves in opposite direction for
8 miles and 6 miles respectively. After that A turns right and moves for another

13. In a pet shop there are 120 eyes and 172 legs. How many birds and
puppies are included in these?

14. Two cyclists are moving towards each other at 10 miles/hour. They are
now 50 miles apart. At this instance a fly starts from one cyclist and move
towards other and moves to and fro till the two cyclist meet each other. If
the fly is moving at 15 miles/hour, what is the total distance covered by the
fly? 50 80 100

15. Guru's draw has 14 blue socks and 14 black socks. How many socks must
be taken to get a pair of socks of the same color? 14 15 13 16

   Computer Science

  1.  which of these checks for structural errors of a language
       a)lexical analyser
       c)intermediate code
       d)code optimisation

  2.  threads in the same process share the same
       a)data section
       d) thread id

  3.  the depth of a binary tree...
       a)nlogn(base 2)
       b) n*n

  4. a program computing log(n) accepts 1000 inputs its execution time is
110 ms...when it doubles n to 2000 becomes 120.....and what will
be for 4000

5. algorithm to find the balancing of paranthesis was given and output had
to be obtaines...using stacks...easy yaar....

6. which of the followin is non preemptive
     round robin
     shortest job first

7. problem to find the avg waitin time of sjf..given the burst times of each process

8.which of the follwing may be implemented using a stack
     parenthesis matchin
     local variables stored in runtime
     all the above

9. which of the foll data structures can be randomly accessed givin loc
     1.linked kist implemented using array
     2.singly linked list
     3.double linked list
     4.both single and double linked list

 10.Find output .............
     Int *ptr=&const;

 11. Find output ...........

 12. #define SWAP(x,y) t=x;x=y;y=t;
         int x=5,y=6;
         if (x>y)
         printf("x=%d y=%d
      note that the function SWAPis not within braces

 13. sum(int x)
     {int t;
     if(x<=1) return (1);
     return (t);
     if 6 is passed to the function, what is the value returned to the calling function.
     ANS= 9
     [ans:don't remember the actual _expression.if the _expression is the
same the ans was nine]

 14. what is int (*ptr)[]()?

     {int a[]={0,2,4,6,8};
     int *ptr;
     printf("%d", *((char *) ptr+4));
     find output
     8 2 4 6
        ANS= 4

 16. which takes the same memory space regardless of the type of operating system?
     Char* char int float

 17. main()
     { int I=3;
     {int I=100;
     Printf("%d", I);
     find output.
     100 99 98 99 98 97 99 99 99 error  ANS= 99 99 99

 18. main()
     {char ch;
     printf("%c", ch);
     [ans : infinite loop

 19. some program using variable b which was not initialized so
     ans error


1.  Two people were walking in opposite directions. both of them walked 6 miles forward then took right and walked 8 miles. how far is each from starting positions?

a) 14 miles and 14 miles
b) 10 miles 10 miles
c) 6 miles 6 miles

2. a person has certain number of cows and birds. they have 172 eyes and 344 legs. how many cows and birds does he have?

3.a person has 14 red socks and 14 white socks in a drawer. what is the minimum number of socks that he should take to get a correct pair?

4.when a number is multiplied by 13,it will become greater to 105 by an amt with which it is lesser to105 by now. what is the number

5.when asked what the time is, a person answered that the amount of time left is 1/5 of the time already completed. what is the time?

6.when I become as old as my father is now, I will be 5 times the age of my son. and my son will be 8 yrs older than what I am now. father+my old is my son now?

7.two peoples on cycles are traveling at 10 miles / hour. when they reach a distance of 50 miles, a housefly lands on the first cyclist and then flies to the other and so onat a speed of 16 miles/hour. what is the distance covered by fly before cyclist meet? successor's father is my father's son. and i don't have any brothers or sons..who is my successor?

9. The hours remaining in a day is one-fifth of the hours passed in the day. What is the time?

10. My successor is my uncles only brothers son who is his only kid. (some what like this)

11. A and B starts from the same point and moves in opposite direction for 8 miles and 6 miles espectively. After that A turns right and moves for another 6 miles. B also turns right and moves 8miles. What are their respective distance from the starting point?

12. In a pet shop there are 120 eyes and 172 legs. How many birds and puppies are included in these?

13.  Two cyclists are moving towards each other at 10 miles/hour. They are now 50 miles apart. At this instance a fly starts from one cyclist and move towards other and moves to and fro till the two cyclist meet each other. If the fly is moving at 15 miles/hour, what is the total distance covered by the fly? 50 80 100

14.  Guru's draw has 14 blue socks and 14 black socks. How many socks must be taken to get a pair of socks of the same color? 14 15 13 16


1. which of these checks for structural errors of a language
a)lexical analyser
c)intermediate code
d)code optimisation

2. threads in the same process share the same
a)data section
d) thread id

3.the depth of a binary tree...
a)nlogn(base 2)
b) n*n

4.a program computing log(n) accepts 1000 inputs its execution time is 110 ms...when it doubles n
to 2000 becomes 120.....and what will be for 4000


5.algorithm to find the balancing of parenthesis was given and output had to be obtains using stacks

6.which of the following is non preemptive fcfs round robin shortest job first

7.problem to find the avg waiting time of sjf .given the burst times of each process

8.which of the following may be implemented using a stack parenthesis matching parsing local variables stored in runtime all the above

9.which of the following data structures can be randomly accessed giving location.

1.linked kist implemented using array
2.singly linked list
3.double linked list
4.both single and double linked list

1.  Find output.

Int *ptr=&const;

ans: error

2. Find output..

ans:  error

3. #define SWAP(x,y) t=x;x=y;y=t;
{ int x=5,y=6; if (x>y) SWAP(x,y); Printf("x=%d y=%d
,x,y); }
note that the function SWAPis not within braces

4.  sum(int x)
{int t; if(x<=1) return (1); t=sum(x-3)+sum(x-1); return (t); }
if 6 is passed to the function, what is the value returned to the calling function.
ANS. 9

5.  what is int (*ptr)[]()?

6.  Main()

{int a[]={0,2,4,6,8};
int *ptr;
printf("%d, *char *) ptr+4)) ;

find output 8   2   4   6

( ANS.4))

7. which takes the same memory space regardless of the type of operating system?
Char* char int float

8. main()
{ int I=3; while(I--) }
{int I=100; I--; Printf("%d, I); }
find output.
100 99 98 99 98 97 99 99 99 error ANS== 99 99 99)))

9.  main()
{char ch; for(ch='0';ch<=255;ch++) printf("%c, ch); }
[ans : infinite loop)

10. some program using variable b which was not initialized so
Sasken Placement Paper ( Technical- Test)

Paper: Sasken Placement Paper ( Technical- Test)


1. main()


int i=3;

while (i--- )


int i=100;


printf("%d, i);



a) 99  99  99     b)2  2  2 c) error d) none of the above

2.Size of which data type is same irrespective of operating system.

a) char *  b) char  c) int  d)  float

3. main()


unsigned char c;

for (c=0; c!=256; c+)

printf("%d, c);


how many times does the loop will be executed.

a) 256  b) 255  c) infinite

4. int (*P[10])(  )                        Description

5. main()


int val = 50;

int *ptr1 = val;

int *ptr2 = ptr1;

printf("%d %d %d, ++val, *ptr1, *ptr2);

*ptr2 = 100;

printf("%d %d %d,++val, *ptr1, *ptr2);


a)       51     50   50 101  100  100

b)   51     51     51 101   101   101

c)   error

d) none of the above

Technical Test

1.       Equivalent Resistance between X & Y

2.        Two 230v, 'x' watts power wire are connected in parallel & it is used to heat water when the same is connected in series at same temp what is ratio of time taken by the two.

3.       Transformer turns ratio is 1:4 if primary resistance = 25ohms secondary resistance =?

4.        Capacitive Reactance = 40 ohms Frequency = 500hz If the freq is reduced to 100hz what is the value of resistance.

5.       If the resistance of wire of diameter 'D' & length 'L' is 'R' then the resistance of same wire of diameter 4D & length 16L is what?
Sasken Placement Paper (Aptitude & Technical-C Section)

Paper: Sasken Placement Paper (Aptitude & Technical-C Section)


1. The hours remaining in a day is one-fifth of the hours passed in the day. What is the time?

2. My successor is my uncles only brothers son who is his only kid. (some what like this)

3. A and B starts from the same point and moves in opposite direction for 8 miles and 6 miles respectively. After that A turns right and moves for another 6 miles. B also turns right and moves 8 miles. What are their respective distance from the starting point?

4. In a pet shop there are 120 eyes and 172 legs. How many birds and puppies are included in these?

5.  Two cyclists are moving towards each other at 10 miles/hour. They are now 50 miles apart. At this instance a fly starts from one cyclist and move towards other and moves to and fro till the two cyclist meet each other. If the fly is moving at 15 miles/hour, what is the total distance covered by the fly? 50 80 100

6.  Guru's draw has 14 blue socks and 14 black socks. How many socks must be taken to get a pair of socks of the same color?

C " Section:

1. Find output?
Int *ptr=&const;
 Ans: error

2. Find output?
Ans: error

3.  #define SWAP(x,y) t=x;x=y;y=t;
{ int x=5,y=6;
if (x>y)
Printf("x=%d y=%d
 note:- That the function SWAPis not within

4. sum(int x)
{int t;
if(x<=1) return (1);
return (t);

if 6 is passed to the function, what is the value returned to the
calling function.

5. what is int (*ptr)[]()?

6. Main()
{int a[]={0,2,4,6,8};
int *ptr;
printf("%d, *((char *) ptr+4));
find output 8 2 4 6  Ans:- 4

7. which takes the same memory space regardless of the type of operating system?
Ans:- Char* char int float

8. main()
{ int I=3;
{int I=100;
Printf("%d, I);
find output?
100 99 98 99 98 97 99 99 99 error 

Ans:-  99 99 99

9. main()
{char ch;
printf("%c, ch);
Ans : infinite loop

10. some program using variable b which was not initialized so
Ans:- error
Sasken Placement Paper (Technical-Computer Science)

Paper: Sasken Placement Paper (Technical-Computer Science)

Computer Science:

1. which of these checks for structural errors of a language
a)lexical analyser
c)intermediate code
d)code optimisation

2.  threads in the same process share the same
a)data section
d) thread id

3.the depth of a binary tree...
a)nlogn(base 2)
b) n*n

4.a program computing log(n) accepts 1000 inputs its execution time is 110 ms...when it doubles n to 2000 inputs. it becomes 120.....and what will be for 4000

5.Algorithm to find the balancing of parenthesis was given and output had to be obtains using
Ans:- stacks

6.which of the following is non preemptive
A. fcfs
B. round robin
C. shortest job first

7.problem to find the avg waiting time of sjf.. given the burst times of each process

8.which of the following may be implemented using a stack
A. parenthesis matching
B. parsing
C. local variables stored in runtime
D. all the above

9.which of the following data structures can be randomly accessed giving loc
A. linked list implemented using array
B. singly linked list
C. double linked list
D. both single and double linked list
Sasken Placement Paper (Aptitude Section)

Paper: Sasken Placement Paper (Aptitude Section)


1. Two people were walking in opposite directions. both of them walked 6 miles forward then took right and walked 8 miles. how far is each from starting positions?

a) 14 miles and 14 miles
b) 10 miles 10 miles
c) 6 miles 6 miles

2. A person has certain number of cows and birds. they have 172 eyes and 344 legs. how many cows and birds does he have?

3.A person has 14 red socks and 14 white socks in a drawer. what is the minimum number of socks that he should take to get a correct pair?

4.when a number is multiplied by 13,it will become greater to 105 by an amt with which it is lesser to105 by now. what is the number

5.when asked what the time is, a person answered that the amount of time left is 1/5 of the time already completed. what is the time?

6.when I become as old as my father is now, I will be 5 times the age of my son. and my son will be 8 yrs older than what I am now.father+my old is my son now?

7.two peoples on cycles are traveling at 10 miles / hour. when they reach a distance of 50 miles, a housefly lands on the first cyclist and then flies to the other and so onat a speed of 16 miles/hour. what is the distance covered by fly before cyclist meet? successor's father is my father's son. and i don't have any brothers or sons. who is my successor?

1 comment:

  1. Sain Bainuu,

    So bloody thorough! Ah! So happy and blissed out! I feel redeemed by reading out Sasken Interview Experience-1 . Keep up the good work!

    I am trying to write a simple application in C that resembles the game "Computer Co", but I am stuck with this problem: If the board is represented by a dimensional array, with what algorithm could I tell if one player's pieces are captivated by the other's? In other words, how can I recognise whether the pieces of one colour form a circle?
    Excellent tutorials - very easy to understand with all the details. I hope you will continue to provide more such tutorials.

    Irene Hynes
